I never really thought of myself as creative until recently. I thought in order to be creative you needed to be artist, and I just don't feel that I am. I have tried in the past to paint and draw and while, I wasn't awful, I just don't think I felt the pleasure others do when painting or drawing. So I moved on. I moved on to many other things, such as working with fabric, food, wood, my house. I love working with all the above. But I always felt that they were selfish pleasures. Over the years I have struggled with find a way to be creative and care for the earth in a way that I felt confident about, that was me.
One day in the bathroom, all three collided. The amount of plastic I was surrounded by astounded me and horrified me. I needed to do something about it, right then and there. I started researching and researching and researching. I am definitely not the only one with this passion, as I found out, thankfully. I decided to jump in with products for my family, since I had no idea what I was doing, but I was certainly going to try. And boy was I having fun. This was creating with a smile on my face. I had stumbled onto something. Something that felt right. With encouragement from my loved ones, I decided to take it further and offer my goods to the world. I am glad I listened.
I am reading Rising Strong by Brene Brown and in it she states, "Creativity embeds knowledge so that it can become practice. We move what we're learning from our heads to our hearts through our hands. We are born makers, and creativity is the ultimate act of integration-it is how we fold our experiences into our being." This spoke to me so deeply. That is what this is all about. The more I create the more it is a part of me and I actually feel like I am making a difference, for my family and the way they look at the world, but also for my customers. They can care for themselves, using what our amazing planet has to offer us, while protecting that same amazing planet. This feels good and right.
Thank you for visiting and coming on this journey with me. As I learn more, I will be sharing it here with you. I am so excited and inspired!